Anthrone Test: Objective, Principle, Reagents, Procedure and Result

Anthrone Test: Objective, Principle, Reagents, Procedure and Result


  • to detect carbohydrate in the given solution


Anthrone test is also another general test for all carbohydrates. In this test also, carbohydrate gets dehydrated when react with conc. H2SO4 to form furfural. This furfural reacts with anthrone to give bluish green colored complex.


  • test solution: 5 % Glucose, 5 % Sucrose, 5 % Starch
  • Anthrone reagent: 0.2 % anthrone in conc. H2SO4


  1. Take 1ml of sample in test tube.
  2. Take 1ml of distilled water in another tube as control.
  3. Add 2ml of anthrone reagent to all the tubes.
  4. Mix thoroughly all the content of the tube.
  5. Observe for color change in bluish green.

Result interpretation:

  • positive test: all carbohydrate give test positive

Anthrone Test: Objective, Principle, Reagents, Procedure and Result

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