Difference between Rhizosphere and Phyllosphere

Difference between Rhizosphere and Phyllosphere

Characteristics Rhizosphere Phyllosphere
Definition Soil around the root of plant where microbial activity is high is called rhizosphere The surface of leaf inhabited by microbes is called phyllosphere
Exudates Plant root secrete exudates that contains mainly organic matters including carbogydrates, amino acids, vitamins etc Plant leaf secrete exudates that contains mainly amino acids, glucose, fructose and sucrose.
Microbe interaction The rhizospheric microbes establish interaction with root by inhabiting in soil around root. The phyllospheric microbes establish interaction with leaf by inhabiting on surface of leaf.
Types of microbes They may be aerobic or anaerobic They are usually aerobic
Effects on plants They promote plant growth by carrying out various biogeochemical transformation in soil and hence increase amount of plant nutrient in soil. They also produce plant growth hormone and protect plant against pathogens. They promote plant growth mainly by producing plant growth hormone and protecting against pathogens. They usually do not play role is biogeochemical transformation.
Examples Rhizobium, Azotobacter, Clostridium etc Beijerinckia, Pseudomonas, Alterneria etc

Difference between Rhizosphere and Phyllosphere