Water quality criteria/ Parameter of water quality
- Quality of water is determined by its physical, chemical and biological parameters.
I. Physical parameters of water quality
- Color: The guideline value (maximum acceptable level) for color of drinking water is 15 TCU (True color unit).
- Turbidity: Drinking water should have turbidity less than 5 NTU (Naphthalometric turbidity unit)
- Taste and odor: Pure water is always tasteless and odorless. Therefore if any types of taste and odor is present, it indicates water pollution.
- Temperature: There is no guideline value for temperature for drinking water.
- Foam
- Conductivity
- Total dissolved solid (TDS): TDS should not exceeds 300mg/ltr
II. Chemical parameters of water quality
- Chloride ion: Maximum permissible limit of chloride ion in drinking water is 200mg/ ltr.
- Ammonia: Concentration of NH3 in ground water system is usually 3mg/ltr. If its concentration is greater than 50mg/ltr, it gives characteristic taste and odor.
- Nitrite: Level of nitrite in drinking water should not exceed 3mg/ltr.
- Nitrate: It is most stable oxidized form of nitrogen. Like nitrite Nitrate should not exceed 3mg/ltr in drinking water.
- Phosphate
- Hardness: Water is classified as 9on the basis of concentration of calcium carbonate)
- Soft water:<5omg/ltr
- Moderately hard water: 50-150 mg/ltr
- Hard water: 150-300 mg/ltr
- Very hard water:>300 mg/dl
- Biological oxygen demand (BOD)
- Chemical oxygen demand (COD)
- Dissolved oxygen (DO)
- pH: pH of drinking water; 6.5-8.5
III. Biological parameters of water quality
- Bacteriological aspects of water pollution
- Viral aspects of water pollution
- Parasitological aspects of water pollution
- Algae